When we receive Jesus as Lord and Savior, we receive forgiveness of sins. We receive the cleansing from our sins and become as white as snow.
Once we are cleansed by the blood by receiving Jesus, God then sends His Holy Spirit to reside on the inside of us. The Spirit of God is what gives us a new born life in the Spirit.
Just as a pumping heart gives life to the body. God's Spirit gives us life as Spirit beings. Just as you have DNA from your parents in the body, you now have God's DNA in the Spirit and are now children of the Most High God.
When we feed our Spirit (by reading the Bible and praying), we become alert, strong and senstive spiritually. As long as we are nourished spiritually the characteristics of God will shine through. The same thing in athletics, as long as you are eating right and exercising the traits and characteristics of being athletic will show through.
A good question to ask is what does it mean to be filled with the Spirit of God. We are now part of Him, having the same power that rose Jesus to life living on the inside of us.(Romans 8:11) We just have to get a revelation of what this really means.
If we abide in the Father and the Father in us, why are we faling to do those things that Jesus did? (John17:22-23) Jesus said He was only doing what He saw His father do. (John 5:19) Jesus also said that we would do the works that He did and even greater things. (John 14:12) We know that Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever. (Hebrews 13:8) God doesn't change. (Malachi 3:6)
Mark 16:17-18 And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well."
So why aren't we doing these signs? It's not because God has changed because He doesn't change, it's because we aren't seeking God with all of our heart and all of our mind. What is the common word here? ALL 100%
We need to be so focused on God and His will that we seek Him and nothing else.
That we would die to ourselves, our fleshly desires and our emotions that want to satisfy the flesh.
Is this easy? Not at all. Can we do it alone? No. What can we do? Let's pray.
Father you are so wonderful to love us just as we are. I thank you that I can come into your holy presence O Lord to praise you and give you thanks for giving me new life. I don't always know what I need to do for say. All I know is I want to be a living sacrifice. I want to be clothed in your power and to be on fire for you and your Word. I want your will to be done and not mine. Teach me O Lord your ways, your thoughts and give me a deep understanding and revelation of faith; the kind that moves mountains and heals the sick.
We know that when we believe we receive and everything is yes and Amen. (2 Cor. 1:20) So by asking these things in Jesus' name it's done. It's a legal seal, the mighty seal of Jesus in blood. Amen.