Have you ever felt unloved? Rejected? There is one that will never reject you reguardless of what you have done or said.
Jesus knows what it feels like to be rejected. He came to give us life and truth and never did anyone harm, but we crucified Him. He was beaten beyond recognition of being human, spit on, insulted, and called names. He suffered that and abandonment from the disciples and to top it off was crucified for my sin and yours.
People just think about the pain of the nails going through his wrists and feet but there was a lot more to it. He was crucified naked, the shame of bearing everthing and going to the bathroom on himself. His own weight on his lungs.
He was taunted to come off the cross if He were really the Son of God. He could have but He chose God's will verses following His own feelings of wanting to run in the other direction. He prayed in the garden that if this some how could pass from Him to let it pass but if not let God's will be done. If Jesus would have followed His feelings instead of God's will we would never have been able to have a realationship with God.
We can have peace that surpasses all understanding, the joy that only comes from the Lord. The joy that comes from the Lord is the joy He gives us from within no matter what is going on around us.
Love is not an emotion or a feeling. Love is an action. The ultimate love is what Jesus did. His death in our place. We deserve that punishment but Glory be to God that He loved us too much to leave us in this state. He faced rejection, humiliation, beating and death for you and me. If you have felt unloved and rejection, turn to Jesus, He understands, He loves you and He is there to help you through every situation. Just call on His name...Jesus.